This is how OldCoder did LibreOffice updates as of mid-2024. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Determine the exact release string for the release of LibreOffice that you're going to build. This may be: * A normal release number of the form #.#.#.# * A beta release number of the form #.#.#.#.beta# * A git snapshot string such as "git-709866a3b" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Edit "buildlibre-release": Replace the old six-digit date string (e.g., 190808) with the appro- priate new one (e.g., 230708). Look for a line of the following form: RELEASE=some-string Make a note of the "some-string" value. Replace the string with the new release string from step 1. Make the same change throughout the file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Edit this file ("updatelo.txt"). In the "NUMBERS=" line, replace the old LibreOffice release string (e.g., with the new one (e.g., ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Move these files out of the "libresrc" directory: libreoffice-*.tar.xz They can be deleted later. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Execute the script below. to create a new download script. Remember to modify the NUMBERS setting appropriately first. NUMBERS= BACON1=`echo $NUMBERS | sed 's/\.beta[0-9]*$//'` BACON2=`echo $BACON1 | sed 's/\.[0-9]$//'` TOAST=$BACON2 ( echo wget -c $TOAST/libreoffice-dictionaries-$NUMBERS.tar.xz echo wget -c $TOAST/libreoffice-help-$NUMBERS.tar.xz echo wget -c $TOAST/libreoffice-translations-$NUMBERS.tar.xz echo wget -c $TOAST/libreoffice-$NUMBERS.tar.xz ) > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Run the new download script. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Execute: tardate libreoffice-*.tar.xz Move the new tarballs into the "libresrc" directory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Execute the following script in the same directory that this text file is stored in: #!/bin/bash -e decoram libresrc/libreoffice-*.tar.xz cp libreoffice-*/download.lst . perl < download.lst > cd libresrc/ bash ../ rm -fr fetch.log tmp cd .. rm -fr download.lst ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Review external components that require patches. For LibreOffice 07.X: Review "sacjava" to confirm that that this pack- age hasn't been updated past the point where it was last patched: ls -l libresrc/*sacjava* For LibreOffice 25.2: Review "box2d", "pdfium", and "sacjava" to confirm that that these packages haven't been updated past the point where they were last patched: ls -l libresrc/*box2d* ls -l libresrc/*pdfium* ls -l libresrc/*sacjava* If one or more of these packages have been updated, patches for the new releases will need to be prepared. Additionally, "buildlibre-release" will need to be revised to use the updated patches. It might be sufficient to update the associated ORIGINAL_FILE settings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Check for "*.spcpat" files stored in the directory that contains this file. Remove such files in cases where they are no longer appli- cable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Delete remaining temporary links, directories, and/or files: rm -fr libreoffice-*/ rm -fr libreoffice-* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Make backup copies of the output trees: # For LibreOffice 07.X: rm -fr backup mkdir -p backup/{lo,lostatus} cp -a $PRODTREE/libreoffice07/* backup/lo/ cp -a /bstatus/libreoffice07/* backup/lostatus/ # For LibreOffice 25.2: rm -fr backup mkdir -p backup/{lo,lostatus} cp -a $PRODTREE/libreoffice252/* backup/lo/ cp -a /bstatus/libreoffice252/* backup/lostatus/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Edit the distro's LibreOffice "cfg" file. Update the "revision" line and the "history" section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. The package is now ready for: # For LibreOffice 07.X: rm -fr /bstatus/libreoffice07/ makelac libreoffice07 --force rm -fr libresrc/fetch.log libresrc/tmp # For LibreOffice 25.2: rm -fr /bstatus/libreoffice252/ makelac libreoffice252 --force rm -fr libresrc/fetch.log libresrc/tmp Execute these commands in the directory that contains this file [up- datelo.txt]. If the build fails due to libraries being out of date, update the lib- raries and try again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End of document.