# libreoffice24/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. This package needs "javadoc" to be modified so that it does *not* use "doclint" ! #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. As of Winter 2024, this distro's versions of "libreoffice" disable or omits two common "libreoffice" features: (2a) The use of Java. "javadoc" may or may not be used at build time. However, Java-specific features are omitted at run- time. Reason for omission: This distro isn't able to build a Java that is new enough for "libreoffice's" purposes. (2b) The use of an internal copy of Python 3. The system Python 3 is used instead. One consequence is that "libreoffice" may not work as a headless server process. Reason for use of system Python 3: This distro isn't able to build "libreoffice's" internal copy of the component in question. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Presently, this package is built using using a set of "release" source tarballs and supplemental source archives. The "release" source tarballs have names of the form: libreoffice-*.tar.xz The distro package resource tree that provided this "cfg" file includ- es two related files: buildlibre-release updatelo.txt For instructions related to obtaining the release tarballs and other source archives and rebuilding "libreoffice", see the comments in the files in question. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. The entire set of upstream source files ("libreoffice-*.tar.xz" and the other source archives) is stored in a package resource subdir- ectory named: special/libresrc #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. "buildlibre-release" is used to build a "release" version of Lib- reOffice using the "release" source tarballs and other source archiv- es. The script is highly distro-dependent. In particular, it depends on the existence of a number of packages and makes assumptions about how the packages are configured. In short, "buildlibre-release" will work only with Laclin. However, it will provide clues related to what to do in other distros. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. There are issues related to the use of internal (LibreOffice) ver- sus external (system) versions of libraries. For more information, see the "buildlibre-release" script. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. To build this package, you'll probably need at least 5 gigabytes of free disk space in the "build" filesystem used. Note: The filesystem is determined by the "build" directory used, which is specfied by the BUILDDIR parameter defined in the two "buildlibre-..." scripts. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Versions of LibreOffice from mid-2011 are believed to be licensed as follows except where specified elsewhere in the source code for in- dividual components: GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 (June 2007) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. You can do headless conversion this way: tmpdir=`mktemp -d $HOME/libreoffice-XXXXXXXXXXXX` trap "rm -rf $tmpdir" EXIT INT soffice "-env:UserInstallation=file://$tmpdir" \ --headless --nolockcheck --convert-to pdf \ "input.doc" \ --outdir $HOME Conversion isn't completed until the temporary directory is deleted. If "libreoffice" is built to use the system copy of Python as opposed to the internal copy, this may not work. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 01.06 hours (or 063.80 minutes) - 2021 L.A. dedi box: 6x2 CPU 32GB RAM 01.22 hours (or 072.98 minutes) - ThinkPad W530 i7 4x2 32GB RAM 01.59 hours (or 095.32 minutes) - 2023 dedi Xeon E3-1200 v3 4x2 32GB RAM 02.51 hours (or 150.35 minutes) - ThinkPad E540 i7 4x2 16GB RAM 02.88 hours (or 172.90 minutes) - ThinkPad X1 Carbon 6G i7 4x2 16GB RAM 03.03 hours (or 181.78 minutes) - ThinkPad W530 i7 4x2 32GB RAM using a 64-bit kernel and 32-bit distro 04.24 hours (or 254.43 minutes) - Dell Inspiron 6400 2.0 GHz Intel Duo 7200 2GB RAM 04.48 hours (or 269.00 minutes) - HP EliteBook 8560w 32GB RAM 06.08 hours (or 364.83 minutes) - HP Pavilion dv8 8GB RAM 08.64 hours (or 518.40 minutes) - Toshiba Satellite C655 E-300 CPU 4GB RAM #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] altpkg = yes configure = none exepack = no large = yes license = See "technotes" in "cfg" file nosyslinks = yes purge = yes revision = tmpsize = 5G unpack = none #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Some of the packages listed here may not be needed. In some cases, # internal versions may be used; in others, the package may not be # needed at all. However , it's probably best, for this project, to # pull in as many possible dependencies as possible. [depends] actools abiword # May not be needed ant-jdk15 atomicops bison3 boost brotli bzip2 cairo clucene compress cpancore cups curl db dbus epm epubgen expat findutils flex fontconfig freetype2 gawk gettext git glm gperf graphite2 grep groff gstreamer # May not be needed gtkcore harfbuzz hunspell highgnome lpsolve infozip java jpeg lcms2 libabw libapr libapr-util libart libcdr libcroco libebook libeot libetonyek libexttextcat libfreehand libgcrypt libglew libgltf libgpgme libgsf libicu libidl libixion liblangtag libmspub libmwaw libneon libnumbertext libodfgen liborcus libpagemaker libpng libqxp librevenge librsvg libserf libsndfile libstaroffice libvisio libwpd libwpg libwps libxml2 libxslt libzmf make # Release 3.82 or above mandb mariadb mdds mpfr mythes nss openjdk08 openjdk15 openldap openssl pango patch perl pkgconf poppler postgresql python raptor2 rasqal redland sane sed sqlite3 startnoti tar tcsh tiff tommath ucpp unixodbc valgrind wget which xmlsec1 xorg # Including pixman zenity zlib #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [build] if [ "@$LACBITS" == "@32" ]; then export NOJAVA=true else export NOJAVA=false fi BUILDSCRIPT=$PKGDIR_SPECIAL/buildlibre-release cd $PKGDIR_SPECIAL bash -e $BUILDSCRIPT #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = Not checked yet url_home = http://www.libreoffice.org/ url_lfs = Not checked yet url_tarball = n/a # See "technotes" in "cfg" file #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [history] 171113 Updated from to 171217 Updated to 180305 Updated to 180402 Updated to 180513 Updated to 180623 Updated to 180811 Updated to 180918 Updated to 181006 Updated to 181011 Updated to 181110 Updated to 190120 Updated to 190209 Updated to 190420 Updated to 190606 Updated to 190713 Updated to 190722 Updated to 190808 Updated to 190924 Updated to 210218 Updated to 210510 Updated to 210625 Updated to 210720 Updated to 210820 Updated to 211209 Updated to 220225 Updated to 220305 Updated to 220505 Updated to 220616 Updated to 220720 Updated to 220820 Updated to 230105 Updated to 230109 Updated to 230214 Updated to 230312 Updated to 230409 Updated to 230420 Patched to support builds for 32-bit hardware 230429 Updated to 230708 Updated to 231122 Updated to 240307 Updated to 240331 Updated to 240512 Updated to 240625 Simply rebuilt due to update of "boost"