# gnash/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. The source tarball used by this package was created based on "git" upstream sources. The sources were obtained as follows: ocgitfetch --run git://git.sv.gnu.org/gnash.git #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 00.15 hours (or 009.10 minutes) - OpenVZ 1x4 CPU 4GB RAM 00.19 hours (or 011.30 minutes) - ThinkPad W530 i7 4x2 32GB RAM #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] build = default exepack = yes license = tbd nls = disabled dontfind = ffmpeg3 ffmpeg4 setpaths = ffmpeg2 tmpsize = 1000M #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] aalib actools alsa boost brotli bzip2 cairo curl expat ffmpeg2 fontconfig freetype2 gawk giflib4 gpm grep gtkcore jpeg lame libagg libbsd libdca libffi libgsm libidn2 libogg liborc libpangox libpng libpsl librtmp libsasl libunistring libva libvorbis ncurses openssl opus pango142 pcre sdl sed speex speexdsp theora util-linux x264 xorg xvidcore xzutils zlib zstd #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [configure] PT=$PRODTREE ./autogen.sh patch -p0 < $PKGDIR_SPECIAL/gnash-configure.spcpat sed -e 's/avresample/baconsample/g' -i configure ./configure \ --prefix=$PKGDIR_PROD \ \ --disable-jemalloc \ --disable-npapi \ --enable-media=ffmpeg \ \ --with-agg-incl=$PT/libagg/include/agg2 \ --with-agg-lib=$PT/libagg/lib \ --with-boost-incl=$PT/boost/include \ --with-boost-lib=$PT/boost/lib \ --with-ffmpeg-incl=$PT/ffmpeg2/include/ffmpeg \ --with-ffmpeg-lib=$PT/ffmpeg2/lib \ --with-gif-incl=$PT/giflib4/include \ --with-gif-lib=$PT/giflib4/lib \ --with-pango-incl=$PT/pango142/include/pango-0.91 \ --with-pango-lib=$PT/pango142/lib \ --with-z-incl=$PT/zlib/include \ --with-z-lib=$PT/zlib/lib #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [postbuild] BINDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/bin SAMDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/samples mkdir -p $SAMDIR cp -p $PKGDIR_SPECIAL/gnash-launcher.wrapper.in \ $BINDIR/gnash-launcher chmod 755 $BINDIR/gnash-launcher cp -p $PKGDIR_SPECIAL/samples/*.swf $SAMDIR/ #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = tbd url_home = tbd url_lfs = tbd url_tarball = git # See "technotes" in "cfg" file #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [history] 230212 Added package. Started with 583ccbc12 ("git" hash). 240624 Patched to fix a FTBFS 241128 Minor tweaks to wrapper