# geeqie/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. The source tarball used by this package was created based on "git" upstream sources. The sources were obtained as follows: ocgitfetch --run \ http://git.geeqie.org/git/geeqie.git Warning: From 2022 to 2024, "git" clones from "git.geeqie.org" were usually slow and unreliable. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. If you'd like "geeqie" to display images zoomed to fit the current "geeqie" window -- including zoom-in as well as zoom-out, you may need to edit the following file manually: $HOME/.config/geeqie/geeqierc.xml and set the settings listed below as indicated: image.fit_window_to_image = "true" image.limit_autofit_size = "false" image.max_autofit_size = "100" Note: "geeqie" should be closed before the edit is done. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. In unusual cases, "geeqie" may omit an image type from file lists while being able to display a file of that type if it's specified on the command line. If this happens, you may be able to correct the problem as follows: Let XML stand for the following file $HOME/.config/geeqie/geeqierc.xml (a) Close "geeqie" (b) Rename the old copy of the XML file (c) Run "geeqie" and display some images (d) Close "geeqie" (e) This should create a new copy of the XML file (f) Repeat patches from part 2 above if applicable (g) Merge other settings from old XML file as appropriate Alternatively: (a) Close "geeqie" (b) Edit the XML file (c) If a "