# docker/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. "docker" is one of very few online-build packages supported by Lac- lin. I.e.: This package can't be built offline, it can't be built re- producibly, and it may not build at all. Example[s] of other online-build package[s] in Laclin: pleroma #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The steps used to build the "docker" package were as follows in the past. They may or may not work again. 2.1. Assumptions: (a) Proceed as "root". (b) Don't proceed in a container. That probably won't work unless both the host and the guest are Laclin. (c) IPV6 support probably needs to be enabled. (d) A recent stable release of "go" needs to be installed and in PATH. (e) Pre-existing architecture-compatible copies of the "docker" binaries need to be installed in the following directory tree: $PRODTREE/docker/sbin/ (f) Those binaries should include a copy of "docker-buildx". 2.2. Export and/or back-up "docker" containers and/or images that you'd like to preserve. The following directory tree may need to be deleted before "docker" can be built: /var/lib/docker/ Therefore, backups are recommended. The directory tree in question may be locked at boot time in a manner that prevents deletion. If you decide that you need to delete it and find that you can't, rename the file indicated below temporarily and reboot. This should prevent the associated daemons from starting and thereby make the directory delete-able. /$LACARCH/setup/dockderd.boot 2.3. Execute: bash -e /somewhere/laclin-build-docker.sh The script indicated here is provided in the same directory tree as this "cfg" file. Specify the correct path for the script. 2.4. The script stores backup copies of the current "docker" binaries in the following tarball: /root/docker-sbin.tgz If the tarball already exists, the existing copy is overwritten. Additionally, one or more tarballs containing past set[s] of "docker" binaries is/are provided in the same directory tree as this "cfg" file. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. The amount of disk space used by "docker" tends to grow over time. It may help to run these commands periodically: docker system prune -a -f docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 00.20 hours (or 012.00 minutes) - 2021 dedi box --------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] altpkg = yes build = none defer = glibc64 configure = none proddir = none unpack = none #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] containerd go runc #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = tbd url_home = tbd url_lfs = tbd url_tarball = n/a # See "technotes" in "cfg" file #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [history] 180418 Added package. Started with 180418 ("git" date). 180520 Updated to 180520 180924 Updated to 180924 210329 Updated to 210329 220302 Updated to 220302 220818 Updated to 220818