# mxe/cfg - "Build" settings for package # Revision: 140610 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Technical notes: # 1. This package is a special case. Source code and build instruc- # tions for the package are stored in the package production tree. # For more information, see the highest-level "readme.txt" stored in # the tree, which can be found in the highest-level "program" subdir- # ectory. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2. As of Summer 2014, the sizes of this distro's versions of this # package were as follows: # # Normal hard-disk copy = 7GB # LiveDistro "squashfs" copy = About the same #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 3. Typical build times (using lightly-loaded systems): Very large. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 4. Presently, the "build" procedure for this package does nothing; # i.e., files are simply left in place. The time and effort needed for # updates and/or actual rebuilds is high enough, in this case, that we # might never do an update or an actual rebuild. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] build = none configure = none license = See source archives stored in production tree proddir = none purge = no shareddir = yes revision = 140610 unpack = none #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] actools bison3 bzip2 cmake cpan-xml-parser flex infozip intltool make openssl patch perl scons sed squashfs-tools wget xzutils yasm #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = n/a url_home = n/a url_lfs = n/a url_tarball = n/a