This is a patch file for "mp3blaster" 3.2.5. It replaces some ASCII characters in the program's text-mode GUI that don't display correctly under XOrg. This patch file may include trailing empty lines and/or trailing lines that consist solely of whitespace. If you edit this file, use software that preserves lines of this type, or you may break the patch. --- mp3blaster-3.2.5.old/src/global.h +++ mp3blaster-3.2.5/src/global.h @@ -4,6 +4,37 @@ #include NCURSES_HEADER #include +//-------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#undef ACS_VLINE +#undef ACS_HLINE +#undef ACS_ULCORNER +#undef ACS_URCORNER +#undef ACS_LLCORNER +#undef ACS_LRCORNER +#undef ACS_BTEE +#undef ACS_LTEE +#undef ACS_RTEE +#undef ACS_TTEE +#undef ACS_PLUS + +#define ACS_VLINE '|' +#define ACS_HLINE '-' +#define ACS_ULCORNER '+' +#define ACS_URCORNER '+' +#define ACS_LLCORNER '+' +#define ACS_LRCORNER '+' +#define ACS_BTEE '+' +#define ACS_LTEE '+' +#define ACS_RTEE '+' +#define ACS_TTEE '+' +#define ACS_PLUS '+' + +#undef box +#define box(w,v,h) wborder (w, v, v, h, h, '+', '+', '+', '+') + +//-------------------------------------------------------------------- + enum cf_error { CF_NONE, TOOMANYVALS, BADVALTYPE, BADKEYWORD, BADVALUE, NOSUCHFILE };