This is a patch file for "gnumch" 0.2.0. These changes set the "gnumch" window title appropriately and add an icon. Notes: 1. You should be able to obtain the icon file "gnumch.png" from the same place as this file. 2. You'll need to modify the icon-file pathname used here appropriate- ly for your distro. --- gnumch-0.2.0.old/src/gui/Menu.cpp +++ gnumch-0.2.0/src/gui/Menu.cpp @@ -678,6 +678,9 @@ vset = newset; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(vset.w, vset.h, vset.bpp, vset.flags); + SDL_WM_SetCaption ("gnumch", "gnumch"); + SDL_WM_SetIcon (IMG_Load ("__META_PREFIX__/data/gnumch.png"), NULL); + if (font_button) TTF_CloseFont(font_button); init(screen);