"BonhagenMod.zip" is a cross between two older versions of "rnd_jue" [Jürgen Bonhagen's levelset collection for Rocks'n'Diamonds]: rnd_jue-v7.zip - A version dated Christmas Eve, 2005 JuergenBonhagen.zip - A version dated January 12, 2007 "BonhagenMod.zip" uses most of the levelsets from the January 12, 2007 version. Two levelsets are omitted. The "levelinfo.conf" settings are based on the Christmas Eve, 2005 values [which are more flexible]. Additionally, some of the directory names and/or levelset names have been changed. For example, the collection itself has been renamed from "rnd_jue" to "Bonhagen". The Christmas Eve, 2005 version was obtained originally from: http://www.jb-line.de/rnd_jue-v7.zip The January 12, 2007 version was obtained originally from: http://www.bd-fans.com/Files/RnD/Levels/JuergenBonhagen.zip Note: These URLs were valid as of mid-2007. However, they may have broken since then. You should be able to obtain all three ZIP files [BonhagenMod.zip, rnd_jue-v7.zip, and JuergenBonhagen.zip] from the same site as this file, regardless.