# gitea/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. Warning: If you decide to update "gitea", back-up the "gitea" data- base first. "gitea" updates may change the database structure used. In such cases, you can't revert the updates without database backups. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. As of 2021 to 2022, there were two ways to construct a source tar- ball for this package. Both required Internet access and external web- sites. The two procedures may or may not work in the future. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. The 1st procedure, which is presently used, is based on release tarballs. It is as follows: #!/bin/bash -e HERE=`pwd` LOCALNAME=gitea DATE6D=220914 DIR=$LOCALNAME-$DATE6D URLBALL=https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/archive/v1.17.2.tar.gz rm -fr $DIR $DIR.tar.bz2 mkdir $DIR cd $DIR export HOME=`pwd` export GOPATH=$HOME/go wget $URLBALL || exit 1 deco *.tar.* || exit 1 rm *.tar.* || exit 1 mv gitea-*[0-9] gitea || exit 1 cd gitea || exit 1 # BTAGS="bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify" BTAGS="bindata" TAGS="$BTAGS" make clean || true TAGS="$BTAGS" make build || true TAGS="$BTAGS" make frontend || true TAGS="$BTAGS" make build || true TAGS="$BTAGS" make frontend || exit 1 rm -fr .git* || exit 1 cd $HOME || exit 1 rm -fr .cache .config .npm || exit 1 rm -fr wget-log || exit 1 rm -fr go/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/ || exit 1 rm gitea/gitea || exit 1 cd $HERE || exit 1 tar jcf $DIR.tar.bz2 $DIR/ || exit 1 rm -fr $DIR || exit 1 tardate $DIR.tar.bz2 || exit 1 ls -l $DIR.tar.bz2 || exit 1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. The 2nd procedure is based on "git". It isn't presently used but goes as follows: #!/bin/bash -e HERE=`pwd` LOCALNAME=gitea DATE6D=220914 DIR=$LOCALNAME-$DATE6D GITURL=https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea.git rm -fr $DIR $DIR.tar.bz2 mkdir $DIR cd $DIR export HOME=`pwd` export GOPATH=$HOME/go git clone $GITURL $LOCALNAME || exit 1 cd $LOCALNAME || exit 1 # You could do something like this here, but if you'd like to do so, # you might as well use release tarballs instead: # # git checkout v1.17.2 || exit 1 # BTAGS="bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify" BTAGS="bindata" make vendor || exit 1 TAGS="$BTAGS" make build || true TAGS="$BTAGS" make build || true TAGS="$BTAGS" make build || true TAGS="$BTAGS" make build || exit 1 rm -fr .git* || exit 1 cd $HOME || exit 1 rm -fr .cache .config .npm || exit 1 cd $HERE tar jcf $DIR.tar.bz2 $DIR/ rm -fr $DIR tardate $DIR.tar.bz2 || exit 1 ls -l $DIR.tar.bz2 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. The preceding two procedures and/or the build procedure for this package may print error messages of different types. If the procedures finish and work correctly, the messages in question can be disregard- ed. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] altpkg = yes configure = none defer = glibc64 exepack = yes license = See "license*.txt" in installed tree licfile = gitea/LICENSE tmpsize = 1631M #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] go nodejs yarn # May not be needed #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [build] BINDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/bin mkdir -p $BINDIR export TMPDIR=/ram export HOME=`pwd` || exit 1 export GOPATH=$HOME/go || exit 1 LOCALNAME=gitea || exit 1 cd $LOCALNAME || exit 1 # export BTAGS="bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify" export BTAGS="bindata" TAGS="$BTAGS" make build || true TAGS="$BTAGS" make frontend || true TAGS="$BTAGS" make build || true TAGS="$BTAGS" make frontend || true TAGS="$BTAGS" make build || exit 1 mv gitea $BINDIR/$LOCALNAME || exit 1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = tbd url_home = tbd url_lfs = tbd url_tarball = special # See "technotes" in "cfg" file #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [history] 210710 Added package. Started with 210710 - same as 1.14.5. 210920 Updated to 210920 - same as 1.15.2 210923 Updated to 210923 - same as 1.15.3 211008 Updated to 211008 - same as 1.15.4 211114 Updated to 211114 - same as 1.15.6 211202 Updated to 211202 - same as 1.15.7 211221 Updated to 211221 - same as 1.15.8 211231 Updated to 211231 - same as 1.15.9 220114 Updated to 220114 - same as 1.15.10 220130 Updated to 220130 - same as 1.15.11 220206 Updated to 220206 - same as 1.16.1 220224 Updated to 220224 - same as 1.16.2 220503 Updated to 220503 - same as 1.16.7 220723 Updated to 220723 - same as 1.16.9 220818 Updated to 220818 - same as 1.17.1 220914 Updated to 220914 - same as 1.17.2