# gvfs/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. "gvfs" needs the "dbus" daemon, up and running, to work. It appar- ently needs "libglibnet", as well, to handle "https". "gsetschema" and schemas installed by other packages are also re- quirements. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Invalid links cause hangs. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. If you have difficulty getting this package to work, rebuild gtk20, gtk30, and their "stricteds" (packages that depend on them in a strict manner). #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. This package requires, at "build" time, a copy of "meson" that has been patched so as not to mess with "rpath". #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 00.01 hours (or 000.33 minutes) - HP EliteBook 8560w 32GB RAM 00.01 hours (or 000.33 minutes) - ThinkPad E540 i7 4x2 16GB RAM #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] license = See "license*.txt" in installed tree licfile = COPYING proddir = $PRODTREE/gtkcore purge = no shareddir = yes strip = no tmpsize = 26M uscheck = C210612, R210430, active setpaths = \ avahi dbus fuse310 gtkcore gvfs libgcr \ libsecret libsoup3 pcre libgcrypt #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] actools dbus fusecore gawk glib20:strict grep gtkcore:strict libarchive libgcr libgcrypt libglibnet libmtp libsecret libsoup libsoup3 libxml2 libxslt meson ninja procpsng sed #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [configure] PATH=$PRODTREE/python3/bin:$PATH PP=$PKGDIR_PROD rm -fr build mkdir build meson build \ -D prefix=$PP \ -D bindir=$PP/bin \ -D includedir=$PP/include \ -D libdir=$PP/lib \ -D mandir=$PP/man \ -D sysconfdir=$PP/etc \ -D buildtype=release \ \ -D admin=false \ -D afc=false \ -D bluray=false \ -D cdda=false \ -D devel_utils=false \ -D dnssd=false \ -D goa=false \ -D google=false \ -D gphoto2=false \ -D gudev=false \ -D installed_tests=false \ -D logind=false \ -D mtp=false \ -D nfs=false \ -D smb=false \ -D systemduserunitdir=no \ -D tmpfilesdir=no \ -D udisks2=false cd build if [ \! -f build.ninja ]; then exit 1; fi meson configure #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [build] BINDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/bin DATADIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/data mkdir -p $BINDIR $DATADIR cd build ninja_simple_build cd $PRODTREE/gtkcore/lib ln -nsf gvfs/*.so . #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [setup.boot] pkill gvfsd || true # export GVFS_DEBUG=1 $(find $PRODTREE/gtkcore/ -name gvfsd 2>/dev/null) \ --replace 2>&1 | tee /ram/gvfsd.log & #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = tbd url_home = tbd url_lfs = tbd url_tarball = https://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/\ gvfs/1.52/gvfs-1.52.3.tar.xz #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [history] 180902 Added package. Started with 1.37.4. 181023 Updated to 1.39.1 190209 Updated to 1.39.4 190314 Updated to 1.40.0 190411 Updated to 1.40.1 190509 Updated to 1.41.1 190713 Updated to 1.41.3 210125 Updated to 1.46.2 210213 Updated to 1.47.90 210424 Updated to 1.48.0 210612 Updated to 1.48.1 230219 Updated to 1.48.2 240704 Updated to 1.52.3