"polipo_trimcache" [AKA "polipo-trimcache"] is a Polipo maintenance tool. The original author described "polipo_trimcache" as follows: "Polipo doesn't have any built-in facility for keeping its cache dir- ectory under a given fixed size. This script implements that: it trims your cache directory to a target size by removing the files with old- est access times until the cache size is smaller than or equal to the target size." This tool was obtained originally from: http://ely.ath.cx/~piranha/software/polipo_trimcache/\ polipo_trimcache-0.2.py The associated home page was: http://ely.ath.cx/~piranha/software/polipo_trimcache/ Note: These URLs were valid as of mid-2006. However, they may have broken since then.