# openinv/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. This "build" procedure deletes existing user-level ".openinvaders" directories. This is necessary because new versions of "openinv" some- times crash if they're presented with old versions of these director- ies. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 00.01 hours (or 000.40 minutes) - ThinkPad E540 i7 4x2 16GB RAM 00.00 hours (or 000.27 minutes) - ThinkPad E540 i7 4x2 16GB RAM 00.01 hours (or 000.38 minutes) - Dell Inspiron 6400 2.0 GHz Intel Duo 7200 2GB RAM 00.01 hours (or 000.48 minutes) - HP EliteBook 8560w 32GB RAM 00.03 hours (or 001.53 minutes) - Compaq 1.7 GHz Intel Pentium 4 512MB RAM #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] addopt = -DALLEGRO_LINUX=1 exepack = yes license = GNU General Public License, version 2 (June 1991) nosyslinks = yes revision = numeric tmpsize = 12M unpack = relaxed setpaths = allegro44 alsa jackone libaldmb #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] actools allegro44 alsa gawk grep jackone libaldmb # Must be release 0.9.3 or above sed #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [configure] MANBASE=$PKGDIR_PROD/man mkdir -p $MANBASE bash ./configure \ --prefix=$PKGDIR_PROD \ --build=$LACARCHBUILD \ --host=$LACARCHHOST \ --disable-dependency-tracking \ --mandir=$MANBASE #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [build] export CPPSTDLAC=gnu++98 make && make install #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Warning: When modifying the last "rm" command here, avoid typos or # very bad things will happen. # For more information about the deletion of ".openinvaders" director- # ies, see the notes at the start of this file. [postbuild] XBINDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/xbin mkdir -p $XBINDIR cd $PKGDIR_PROD/bin/ mv open-invaders $XBINDIR/ cat > open-invaders << END padsp $XBINDIR/open-invaders END chmod 755 open-invaders ln -nsf open-invaders openinv cd $PKGDIR_PROD/share/open-invaders rm -f {allegro_logo,linux,jamyskis_logo}.pcx rm -fr {/home/*,/root}/.openinvaders #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = Not checked yet url_home = http://www.jamyskis.net/invaders.php url_lfs = n/a url_tarball = http://www.jamyskis.net/downloads/\ open-invaders-0.3.tar.gz