# recoll/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. To set up "recoll" initially, or to reset the configuration, for a particular user, proceed as follows: Stop recoll program # If it is running Delete $HOME/.recoll/ # Perhaps back-up first # See further down for format Create $HOME/.recoll/recoll.conf recoll & # Run the GUI # File -> Update index #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. A basic initial "recoll.conf" file might look like this: topdirs = /root/.thunderbird/something.default/Mail/ /root/mydocs/ skippedPaths = \ /root/.thunderbird/something.default/Mail/Sorted/Spam.sbd \ skippedNames+ = *~ */DEADJOE \ */popstate.dat */popstate-1.dat */.git/* */map.sqlite noContentSuffixes+ = .bash .c .cc .class .crx .css .eps .exe \ .flac .gif .grep .h .iso .jar .java .jpeg .jpg .js .log \ .m4 .md5 .msf .mp3 .nes .o .obj .ovpn .patch .pem .png .po .ppm \ .psql .qml .sh .sql .svg .vapi .webp .xls .xlsx .xpi #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 00.09 hours (or 005.13 minutes) - ThinkPad E540 i7 4x2 16GB RAM 00.12 hours (or 007.10 minutes) - ThinkPad W530 i7 4x2 32GB RAM using a 64-bit kernel and 32-bit distro #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] altpkg = yes license = See "license*.txt" in installed tree licfile = COPYING tmpsize = 271M dontfind = qt4 qt5 setpaths = qt6 recoll #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] actools aspell file gawk grep libchm libicu libxml2 libxslt meson ninja python qt sed util-linux xapian xzutils zlib #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [configure] MANBASE=$PKGDIR_PROD/man mkdir -p $MANBASE cp -p $PKGDIR_SPECIAL/lookup.png desktop/recoll.png cp -p $PKGDIR_SPECIAL/lookup.png qtgui/images/recoll.png export QTDIR=$PRODTREE/qt6 export QT6DIR=$QTDIR #--------------------------------------------------------------------- PATH=$PRODTREE/python3/bin:$PATH PP=$PKGDIR_PROD rm -fr build mkdir build meson build \ -D prefix=$PP \ -D bindir=$PP/bin \ -D buildtype=release \ \ -D recollq=true \ -D systemd=false \ -D webkit=false \ -D webengine=true \ -D xadump=true #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [build] cd build ninja_simple_build #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [postbuild] BINDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/bin SPCDIR=$PKGDIR_SPECIAL # cd $BINDIR # rm -fr recoll.bin # mv recoll recoll.bin # cp -p $SPCDIR/recoll.wrapper.in recoll # cp -p $SPCDIR/recoll.middle recoll.middle # chmod 755 recoll.middle recoll cd $BINDIR rm -fr recoll.bin mv recoll recoll.bin cp -p $SPCDIR/recoll.wrapper.in recoll chmod 755 recoll #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = tbd url_home = tbd url_lfs = tbd url_tarball = https://www.recoll.org/recoll-1.41.1.tar.gz #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [history] 190512 Added package. Started with 1.25.15. 190529 Updated to 1.25.18 190713 Updated to 1.25.19 190805 Updated to 1.25.20 190825 Updated to 1.25.21 190828 Updated to 1.25.22 191007 Updated to 1.25.23 210125 Updated to 1.28.5 210206 Updated to 1.28.6 210324 Updated to 1.29.2 210402 Updated to 1.30.0 210423 Updated to 1.30.1 210427 Updated to 1.31.0 211012 Updated to 1.31.2 211127 Updated to 1.31.4 211206 Updated to 1.31.5 211220 Updated to 1.31.6 220311 Updated to 1.32.0 220622 Updated to 1.32.3 220705 Updated to 1.32.5 220812 Updated to 1.32.7 230108 Updated to 1.34.0 230212 Updated to 1.34.2 230216 Updated to 1.34.3 230513 Updated to 1.34.7 230706 Updated to 1.35.0 240109 Updated to 1.37.4 240328 Updated to 1.37.5 240714 Updated to 1.39.2 240722 Updated to 1.39.3 240803 Switched from "qt5" to "qt6" 240805 Updated to 1.40.0 240824 Updated to 1.40.1 241015 Updated to 1.40.3 241116 Updated to 1.40.4 241215 Updated to 1.41.1