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cfg Data File 1.1 KB Jul 29 2024 2:41 AM
Directory Listing notes: 1. To sort by a given column, click on the column header. 2. For sorting to work, Java­Script needs to be enabled. 3. You can sort in either ascend­ing or descend­ing order. 4. If you click on a .php file, it'll exe­cute as opposed to download.
This is the Laclin package source tree. It's online for the first time after 25 years.

The distro core frame­works such as the build system, distro manage­ment scripts, and a user con­figura­tion tem­plate are sep­ar­ate pieces that will be post­ed at a later stage. The CPAN and PyPi mirrors used will be post­ed sep­ar­ate­ly as well.
Special feature: A link of the following form will jump dir­ect­ly to the src-tree dir­ec­tory for the speci­fied pack­age [pro­vid­ed that the pack­age exists]:

Substitute the package name of interest for smc here.
Warning: Don't try to stay synced using “rsync” or any sim­i­lar pro­gram. The dir­ec­tory names are num­ber­ed and the num­bers change fre­quent­ly. If you try to sync in this manner, you'll end up down­load­ing giga­bytes repeated­ly.

An alternate sync or update process will imple­ment­ed to use in place of “rsync”.
The “cfg” files are similar to Gentoo “ebuild” files. They specify depend­en­cies, build pro­ce­dures, upstream links, and other package build pieces.

Patch files, if any, are stored in a source dir­ec­tory's “patch” sub­directory.
This page was generated by OldCoder Styled Directory release 211125. Derived from Chris Coyier's Display Styled Directory.