# mpptools/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] # 1. "nasm2" 2.09.02 breaks "mpptools" 1.15v at compile time. However, # "oldnasm" 0.98.39 seems to work correctly. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2. 32-bit distro support would require a different version of the # "nasm"-related patch used. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 3. The original source tarball for this project wasn't compatible # with some versions of GNU "tar". When attempts were made to unpack # the tarball, "tar" printed error messages of the following type at # the end of the procedure: # # tar: A lone zero block at ... # The tarball has been repacked to eliminate the problem. Note: The # resource tree for this package includes a copy of the original (un- # modified) tarball. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 4. Presently, the upstream release of this package that's used is # ancient (it dates back to 2005). As of 2010, newer releases are # available, but they're not backwards-compatible (specifically, they # omit "mppdec" and "replaygain"). Therefore, this distro will stay # with the old version indefinitely. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 00.00 hours (or 000.22 minutes) - ThinkPad E540 i7 4x2 16GB RAM 00.01 hours (or 000.43 minutes) - Dell Inspiron 6400 2.0 GHz Intel Duo 7200 2GB RAM 00.02 hours (or 001.07 minutes) - Compaq 1.7 GHz Intel Pentium 4 512MB RAM #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] configure = none defer = glibc64 exepack = yes license = tbd revision = 1.15v tmpsize = 5M unpack = relaxed #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] esound nasm2 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [build] BINDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/bin DOCDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/doc mkdir -p $BINDIR $DOCDIR make make mppdec make tagger cp -p mppdec mppenc replaygain $BINDIR/ cp -p tagger $BINDIR/mpptagger cp -p doc/AUTHORS $DOCDIR/authors.txt cp -p doc/MANUAL.TXT $DOCDIR/manual.txt chmod 644 $DOCDIR/*.txt #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = n/a url_home = http://www.musepack.net/ url_lfs = n/a url_tarball = http://files2.musepack.net/source/\ mpcsv7-src-1.15v.tar.bz2