# wpclipart/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. This package installs a version of the WPClipArt collection based on upstream release 7.2 plus upstream updates released through Fall 2011. The original tarball(s) and/or ZIP file(s) are stored in the same directory tree as this "cfg" file. The original URLs are stored with the files in question. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The clipart files are stored in a single XZM file located in the directory "/static/xzm/". The XZM-file name (excluding path) is "wpclipdata.xzm". #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. The WPClipArt image files are in the public domain (but see the "README.txt" file provided). The "wpclipper" utility is distributed under GNU GPL-3. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 00.11 hours (or 006.47 minutes) - HP EliteBook 8560w 32GB RAM 00.14 hours (or 008.50 minutes) - ThinkPad E540 i7 4x2 16GB RAM 00.22 hours (or 013.20 minutes) - Dell Inspiron 6400 2.0 GHz Intel Duo 7200 2GB RAM #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] configure = none license = See technical notes provided in "cfg" file nosyslinks = yes revision = 230305 tmpsize = 1729M unpack = none #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] bzip2 infozip pygtk2 # Used at runtime python # Used at runtime squashfs-tools tar #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [build] MNTDIR=/mnt/wpclipdata XZMDIR=/static/xzm XZMBASE=wpclipdata.xzm XZMPATH=$XZMDIR/$XZMBASE BINDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/bin DOCDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/doc PROGDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/program SPCDIR=$PKGDIR_SPECIAL WPCDIR=$SPCDIR/wpclipper umount $MNTDIR 2> /dev/null || true umount $XZMPATH 2> /dev/null || true rm -fr $MNTDIR mkdir -p $MNTDIR mkdir -p $XZMDIR rm -fr $XZMPATH mkdir -p $BINDIR $DOCDIR $PROGDIR tar jxf $SPCDIR/wpclipart-7.2.tar.bz2 mv wpclipart-7.2/* . rmdir wpclipart-7.2 for x in $SPCDIR/cliparch/*.zip do unzip -qo $x done X=american_history mkdir $X rmdir $X mv American_History $X rm -fr browse.png viewer runintree . fixname --run find . -name "* *" -exec rm "{}" \; find . -name "*.html" -exec rm "{}" \; cp -p $SPCDIR/readme.txt README.txt mksquashfs . $XZMPATH -b 1048576 tardate $XZMPATH || true cp -p $WPCDIR/license.txt $DOCDIR/ cp -p $WPCDIR/wpclipper.py $PROGDIR/ cp -p $WPCDIR/wpclipper_screen.png $PROGDIR/ chmod 755 $PROGDIR/wpclipper.py sed -e "s|__META_PREFIX__|$PKGDIR_PROD|g" \ < $WPCDIR/wpclipper.wrapper.in \ > $BINDIR/wpclipper chmod 755 $BINDIR/wpclipper mkdir -p $DESKWRAP cd $SPCDIR/wrappers for x in wrap-*-bin.in wrap-*-doc.in do if [ -f "$x" ]; then dest=$DESKWRAP/`echo $x | sed 's|\.in$||'` sed -e "s|__META_LOOPFILE__|$XZMPATH|g" \ -e "s|__META_MNTDIR__|$MNTDIR|g" \ < $x > $dest chmod 755 $dest fi done #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [setup.boot] if [ -d $PRODTREE/wpclipart ]; then MNTDIR=/mnt/wpclipdata mkdir -p $MNTDIR umount -l $MNTDIR >& /dev/null chmod 777 $MNTDIR xzm-boot-setup wpclipdata $MNTDIR fi #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = Not checked yet url_home = http://wpclipart.com/ url_lfs = n/a url_tarball = n/a # See "technotes" in "cfg" file #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [history] 230305 Resynced tarballs with upstream mirrors