# mupdf/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. "mupdf" supports ".epub" files. That's a nice feature. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Non-obvious: To select text in "mupdf" for copy and paste, use the right as opposed to left mouse button. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. As of October 2019, the latest "git" copies of "mupdf" still needed patches in order to build against the latest release of "libressl" (3.0.1). #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 00.01 hours (or 000.55 minutes) - 2021 L.A. dedi box: 6x2 CPU 32GB RAM 00.01 hours (or 000.87 minutes) - ThinkPad W530 i7 4x2 32GB RAM 00.02 hours (or 001.37 minutes) - ThinkPad E540 i7 4x2 16GB RAM #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] altpkg = yes configure = none license = See "license*.txt" in installed tree licfile = COPYING nowerror = yes tmpsize = 519M setpaths = freeglut openjpeg openssl xorg #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] actools brotli bzip2 freeglut freetype2 gawk graphite2 grep gtkcore harfbuzz jbig2dec jpeg libbsd libpng ncurses openjpeg openssl sed util-linux xorg zlib #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [build] BINDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/bin DOCDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/doc PCFDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/lib/pkgconfig mkdir -p $BINDIR $DOCDIR $PCFDIR CFLAGS="-fPIC" USE_SYSTEM_LIBS=yes smpmake \ prefix=$PKGDIR_PROD build=release docdir=$DOCDIR CFLAGS="-fPIC" USE_SYSTEM_LIBS=yes smpmake \ prefix=$PKGDIR_PROD build=release docdir=$DOCDIR \ install cd $BINDIR ln -nsf mupdf-x11 mupdf cd $PCFDIR sed -e "s@__META_PRODTREE__@$PRODTREE@" \ < $PKGDIR_SPECIAL/mupdf.pc.in \ > mupdf.pc #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian_page = tbd url_home = tbd url_lfs = tbd url_tarball = https://mupdf.com/downloads/archive/\ mupdf-1.25.4-source.tar.gz #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [history] 190509 Added package. Started with 66a3b8a67 ("git" hash). 190607 Updated to ede5982fb 191001 Updated to 13d1c2ad4 210126 Updated to 475129d6b 220812 Updated to 28a3ec101 - same as 1.20.3 230513 Updated to ce71400f0 - same as 1.22.2 240113 Updated to a7c9c708a - same as 1.23.9 240320 Updated to 21fb0a2bf - same as 1.24.0 240405 Updated to c443b8a17 - same as 1.24.1 240509 Updated to 1.24.2 240609 Updated to 1.24.3 240622 Updated to 1.24.4 240628 Updated to 1.24.5 240722 Updated to 1.24.7 240830 Updated to 1.24.9 241004 Updated to 1.24.10 241119 Updated to 1.24.11 241206 Updated to 1.25.1 241206 Needed "-fPIC" to support Zathura 241206 Added missing "mupdf.pc" file 241213 Updated to 1.25.2 250129 Updated to 1.25.4