# ocfeh/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. "ocfeh" is based on an old version of "feh"; specifically, "feh" 1.10.1. "ocfeh" is similar to "feh" 1.10.1, but it operates as explai- ned below. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1a. "ocfeh" adds one new "sort" mode: --sort mtime The new "sort" mode displays images from oldest to newest, based on modification time. Note: Two related switches named "--oldest" and "--newest" have been added; see the following notes. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1b. "ocfeh" also adds these useful "sort" alias switches: --oldest Same as --sort mtime --newest Same as --sort mtime --reverse --thinnest Same as --sort width --fattest Same as --sort width --reverse --widest Same as --widest --shortest Same as --sort height --tallest Same as --sort height --reverse --smallest Same as --sort size --biggest Same as --sort size --reverse --largest Same as --biggest #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1c. "ocfeh" starts up in fullscreen mode, by default. Reason: If you view images of different sizes, "feh" 1.10.1 doesn't center the images properly in normal (non-fullscreen) mode. So, they "jump" all over the place. The user can force a fixed geometry as a workaround, but full-screen mode is a simpler solution. Plus, full-screen makes it easier to focus Note: There's probably a direct fix for the "jumping" problem, but we haven't found it yet. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1d. For "feh" 1.10.1, the -F option means "start in full-screen" mode. For "ocfeh", -F means "_don't_ start in full-screen mode". #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1e. For many CLI image viewers, the PgUp and PgDn keys mean "previous image" and "next image". "feh" 1.10.1 interprets these keys a little differently. "feh's" rules make sense, but they're confusing if you try to use "feh" in conjunc- tion with other viewers. To reduce confusion, "ocfeh" uses the standard PgUp/PgDn conventions. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1f. When full-screen mode is used, "feh" 1.10.1 scales large images down to fit the screen. This is O.K. for photos, but it has a nega- tive effect on images such as line drawings, stock charts, etc. Therefore, "ocfeh" turns down-scaling off by default. Note: Down-scaling is still supported; it's just the default mode that's been changed. If the user turns "ocfeh's" standard auto-zoom feature on, images will be downscaled using the original conven- tions. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1g. "ocfeh" adds a "z" (or "Z") keyboard command. The "z" (or "Z") key toggles the current "zoom" mode. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1h. The "-d" option switch has been modified. In "ocfeh", it's a tog- gle (of sorts). Details: By default, "ocfeh" starts in full-screen mode and draws the current filename in the top-left corner of the display. If -F is specified, both features are disabled. To use non-fullscreen mode with filename drawing enabled, specify -F -d. To disable filename drawing without disabling fullscreen mode, specify -d without -F. Note: -d only affects the filename that's drawn in the output window. If fullscreen mode is disabled, filenames may be displayed in "ocfeh's" title bar, whether or not -d is used. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1i. As of mid-2007, "imlib2" supports "gif" input files, but it doesn't support "gif" output files. Additionally, "feh" 1.10.1 doesn't check for errors when it saves files to disk. Due to these two fac- tors, "feh" 1.10.1 fails silently when "gif" output files are crea- ted. As a workaround, "ocfeh" replaces "gif" output files with "png" out- put files. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1j. "feh" 1.10.1 creates "png" output files that are much larger than necessary, in some cases. As a workaround, ocfeh" uses "optipng" to shrink some "png" output files. As of mid-2007, this change isn't fully implemented, so "ocfeh" shri- nks some "png" output files but not others. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 00.00 hours (or 000.07 minutes) - HP EliteBook 8560w 32GB RAM 00.00 hours (or 000.12 minutes) - ThinkPad E540 i7 4x2 16GB RAM 00.00 hours (or 000.23 minutes) - Dell Inspiron 6400 2.0 GHz Intel Duo 7200 2GB RAM 00.01 hours (or 000.58 minutes) - Compaq 1.7 GHz Intel Pentium 4 512MB RAM #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] build = default cflags64 = yes configure = none exepack = yes license = See "license.txt" under installed tree tmpsize = 5M unpack = relaxed setpaths = $PRODTREE/xorg imlib2 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] actools freetype2 giblib imlib2 jpeg libpng wget # Only needed at runtime xorg #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [postbuild] DOCDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/doc mkdir -p $DOCDIR cp -p COPYING $DOCDIR/license.txt cd $PKGDIR_PROD/bin rm -fr ocfeh mv feh ocfeh ln -nsf ocfeh feh #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = http://packages.debian.org/unstable/source/feh url_home = http://derf.homelinux.org/projects/feh/ url_lfs = n/a url_tarball = http://derf.homelinux.org/projects/feh/\ feh-1.10.1.tar.bz2 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [about] "ocfeh" is an image viewer, based on "feh", with numerous features. For example: * Supports both normal [window] mode and full-screen mode. * Displays multiple images either sequentially in one window or simul- taneously in multiple windows: feh -w FILE FILE ... * Can display all images in a given directory tree: feh -r DIR * Can save and load image-file lists. * Alternatively, can output an "ls"-style version of the current image list. The "ls"-style list includes attributes. This makes the program useful for scripts that need to process image directories or directory trees. * Can limit the current list to valid images or broken images. Scripts can combine this feature with the listing features to simplify direct- ory-cleanup operations. * Can sort image lists based on various parameters. * Can display Internet images and optionally save them to disk. Note: These features require "wget". * Can reload images periodically. This feature is useful for viewing Internet images that update over time. * Can create montages, collages, and thumbnails: ocfeh -m ... - Create a montage * Supports zoom-in/zoom-out. Note: This feature requires a three- button mouse (the middle button is used for zooming). * Supports zoom-in/zoom-out, pan, rotate, smooth, and sharpen: zoom-in/zoom-out - middle mouse button pan - left mouse button rotate - CTRL + middle mouse button smooth/sharpen - CTRL + left mouse button #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [history] 170619 Fixed keyboard operation in fullscreen mode.