# python-numeric/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] # 1. Presently, the source tarball that's used for this package is # very old (it dates back to 2005). However, as of mid-2007, it was # the latest known official version. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2. Development of this package has largely ceased. The current re- # lease (24.2) may be the last one. # Explanation: "python-numeric" has apparently been superseded by # "numpy". However, as of mid-2008, it appears that some "python" # applications that require one of the two packages still use # "python-numeric". #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 3. Presently, this package adds the following item(s) to the sys- # tem's "python" tree: # $PRODTREE/python2/include/python2.*/Numeric/ # $PRODTREE/python2/lib/python2.*/site-packages/Numeric/ # $PRODTREE/python2/lib/python2.*/site-packages/Numeric.pth # Additionally, this package may update files created by lower-level # packages. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 00.01 hours (or 000.52 minutes) - 2021 L.A. dedi box: 6x2 CPU 32GB RAM 00.01 hours (or 000.53 minutes) - HP EliteBook 8560w 32GB RAM 00.01 hours (or 000.58 minutes) - ThinkPad E540 i7 4x2 16GB RAM 00.01 hours (or 000.85 minutes) - Dell Inspiron 6400 2.0 GHz Intel Duo 7200 2GB RAM 00.04 hours (or 002.52 minutes) - Compaq 1.7 GHz Intel Pentium 4 512MB RAM #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] configure = none license = Same as for Python 2.X nosyslinks = yes proddir = none purge = no setpaths = $PRODTREE/python2 shareddir = yes tmpsize = 13M #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] python2-tcltk:strict #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [build] PYTOPDIR=$PRODTREE/python2 PYLIBDIR=$PYTOPDIR/lib rm -fr \ $PYTOPDIR/include/python2.*/Numeric \ $PYLIBDIR/python2.*/site-packages/Numeric \ $PYLIBDIR/python2.*/site-packages/Numeric.pth python setup.py install #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = Not checked yet url_home = http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/ url_info = http://numeric.scipy.org/ url_lfs = n/a url_tarball = http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/\ numpy/Numeric-24.2.tar.gz