syntax-1.5 Yudit can use the external library Hunspell, that was written by Laszlo Nemeth and Ferenc Godo Please refer to hunspell: hunspell dictionaries: to for copyright status. If you did not receive this file as an installer exe file you need to to manual installation. For manual installation, simply put the files into /usr/share/yudit/syntax or ~/.yudit/syntax. or (Windows) C:\Program Files\Yudit\syntax The the library file in this directory, that is appropriate for your system Linux 32 bit: Linux 64 bit: should be renamed to Windows 32 bit x86: libhunspell-1.2.8.x86_32.dll should be renamed to libhunspell.dll for windows. There was a name change for windows Yudit release: -------------------------------------------------- Yudit versions older than 2.9.1.beta7 were looking for hunspelldll.dll, now we are looking for libhunspell.dll. If you have a Mackintosh complied hunspell library put it the with the name libhunspell.dylib. For more information on syntax, type help syntax in the command area of Yudit. The syntax files belong to openoffice Hunspell. They were obtained from: export CVSROOT="" cvs login cvs get dictionaries Hunspell-1.2.8 source was downloaded from This package was compiled from the above sources by Gaspar Sinai Tokyo 2010-01-31