/******************************************************************************** * * * S i n g l e - P r e c i s i o n 3 - E l e m e n t V e c t o r * * * ********************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1994,2024 by Jeroen van der Zijp. All Rights Reserved. * ********************************************************************************* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see * ********************************************************************************/ #ifndef FXVEC3F_H #define FXVEC3F_H namespace FX { /// Single-precision 3-element vector class FXAPI FXVec3f { public: FXfloat x; FXfloat y; FXfloat z; public: /// Default constructor; value is not initialized FXVec3f(){} /// Initialize from 2-vector FXVec3f(const FXVec2f& v,FXfloat s=0.0f):x(v.x),y(v.y),z(s){} /// Initialize from another vector FXVec3f(const FXVec3f& v):x(v.x),y(v.y),z(v.z){} /// Initialize from array of floats FXVec3f(const FXfloat v[]):x(v[0]),y(v[1]),z(v[2]){} /// Initialize from components FXVec3f(FXfloat xx,FXfloat yy,FXfloat zz):x(xx),y(yy),z(zz){} /// Return a non-const reference to the ith element FXfloat& operator[](FXint i){return (&x)[i];} /// Return a const reference to the ith element const FXfloat& operator[](FXint i) const {return (&x)[i];} /// Assignment FXVec3f& operator=(const FXVec3f& v){x=v.x;y=v.y;z=v.z;return *this;} /// Assignment from array of floats FXVec3f& operator=(const FXfloat v[]){x=v[0];y=v[1];z=v[2];return *this;} /// Set value from another vector FXVec3f& set(const FXVec3f& v){x=v.x;y=v.y;z=v.z;return *this;} /// Set value from array of floats FXVec3f& set(const FXfloat v[]){x=v[0];y=v[1];z=v[2];return *this;} /// Set value from components FXVec3f& set(FXfloat xx,FXfloat yy,FXfloat zz){x=xx;y=yy;z=zz;return *this;} /// Assigning operators FXVec3f& operator*=(FXfloat n){ return set(x*n,y*n,z*n); } FXVec3f& operator/=(FXfloat n){ return set(x/n,y/n,z/n); } /// Element-wise assigning operators FXVec3f& operator+=(const FXVec3f& v){ return set(x+v.x,y+v.y,z+v.z); } FXVec3f& operator-=(const FXVec3f& v){ return set(x-v.x,y-v.y,z-v.z); } FXVec3f& operator%=(const FXVec3f& v){ return set(x*v.x,y*v.y,z*v.z); } FXVec3f& operator/=(const FXVec3f& v){ return set(x/v.x,y/v.y,z/v.z); } /// Cross product assigning operator FXVec3f& operator^=(const FXVec3f& v){ return set(y*v.z-z*v.y,z*v.x-x*v.z,x*v.y-y*v.x); } /// Conversions operator FXfloat*(){return &x;} operator const FXfloat*() const {return &x;} operator FXVec2f&(){return *reinterpret_cast(this);} operator const FXVec2f&() const {return *reinterpret_cast(this);} /// Test if zero FXbool operator!() const { return x==0.0f && y==0.0f && z==0.0f; } /// Unary FXVec3f operator+() const { return *this; } FXVec3f operator-() const { return FXVec3f(-x,-y,-z); } /// Length and square of length FXfloat length2() const { return z*z+y*y+x*x; } FXfloat length() const { return Math::sqrt(length2()); } /// Destructor ~FXVec3f(){} }; /// Dot product static inline FXfloat operator*(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){ return a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z; } /// Cross product static inline FXVec3f operator^(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){ return FXVec3f(a.y*b.z-a.z*b.y, a.z*b.x-a.x*b.z, a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x); } /// Scaling static inline FXVec3f operator*(const FXVec3f& a,FXfloat n){return FXVec3f(a.x*n,a.y*n,a.z*n);} static inline FXVec3f operator*(FXfloat n,const FXVec3f& a){return FXVec3f(n*a.x,n*a.y,n*a.z);} static inline FXVec3f operator/(const FXVec3f& a,FXfloat n){return FXVec3f(a.x/n,a.y/n,a.z/n);} static inline FXVec3f operator/(FXfloat n,const FXVec3f& a){return FXVec3f(n/a.x,n/a.y,n/a.z);} /// Vector and vector addition static inline FXVec3f operator+(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){ return FXVec3f(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y,a.z+b.z); } static inline FXVec3f operator-(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){ return FXVec3f(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y,a.z-b.z); } /// Element-wise multiply and divide static inline FXVec3f operator%(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){ return FXVec3f(a.x*b.x,a.y*b.y,a.z*b.z); } static inline FXVec3f operator/(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){ return FXVec3f(a.x/b.x,a.y/b.y,a.z/b.z); } /// Equality tests static inline FXbool operator==(const FXVec3f& a,FXfloat n){return a.x==n && a.y==n && a.z==n;} static inline FXbool operator!=(const FXVec3f& a,FXfloat n){return a.x!=n || a.y!=n || a.z!=n;} static inline FXbool operator==(FXfloat n,const FXVec3f& a){return n==a.x && n==a.y && n==a.z;} static inline FXbool operator!=(FXfloat n,const FXVec3f& a){return n!=a.x || n!=a.y || n!=a.z;} /// Equality tests static inline FXbool operator==(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){ return a.x==b.x && a.y==b.y && a.z==b.z; } static inline FXbool operator!=(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){ return a.x!=b.x || a.y!=b.y || a.z!=b.z; } /// Inequality tests static inline FXbool operator<(const FXVec3f& a,FXfloat n){return a.x(const FXVec3f& a,FXfloat n){return a.x>n && a.y>n && a.z>n;} static inline FXbool operator>=(const FXVec3f& a,FXfloat n){return a.x>=n && a.y>=n && a.z>=n;} /// Inequality tests static inline FXbool operator<(FXfloat n,const FXVec3f& a){return n(FXfloat n,const FXVec3f& a){return n>a.x && n>a.y && n>a.z;} static inline FXbool operator>=(FXfloat n,const FXVec3f& a){return n>=a.x && n>=a.y && n>=a.z;} /// Inequality tests static inline FXbool operator<(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){ return a.x(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){ return a.x>b.x && a.y>b.y && a.z>b.z; } static inline FXbool operator>=(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){ return a.x>=b.x && a.y>=b.y && a.z>=b.z; } /// Lowest components static inline FXVec3f lo(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){return FXVec3f(Math::fmin(a.x,b.x),Math::fmin(a.y,b.y),Math::fmin(a.z,b.z));} static inline FXVec3f lo(const FXVec3f& a,FXfloat n){return FXVec3f(Math::fmin(a.x,n),Math::fmin(a.y,n),Math::fmin(a.z,n));} static inline FXVec3f lo(FXfloat n,const FXVec3f& b){return FXVec3f(Math::fmin(n,b.x),Math::fmin(n,b.y),Math::fmin(n,b.z));} /// Highest components static inline FXVec3f hi(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b){return FXVec3f(Math::fmax(a.x,b.x),Math::fmax(a.y,b.y),Math::fmax(a.z,b.z));} static inline FXVec3f hi(const FXVec3f& a,FXfloat n){return FXVec3f(Math::fmax(a.x,n),Math::fmax(a.y,n),Math::fmax(a.z,n));} static inline FXVec3f hi(FXfloat n,const FXVec3f& b){return FXVec3f(Math::fmax(n,b.x),Math::fmax(n,b.y),Math::fmax(n,b.z));} /// Clamp components of vector between lower and upper limits static inline FXVec3f clamp(FXfloat lower,const FXVec3f& x,FXfloat upper){return hi(lo(x,upper),lower);} /// Clamp components of vector to [-limit...limit] static inline FXVec3f clamp(const FXVec3f& x,FXfloat limit){return hi(lo(x,limit),-limit);} /// Clamp components of vector between lower corner and upper corner static inline FXVec3f clamp(const FXVec3f& lower,const FXVec3f& x,const FXVec3f& upper){return hi(lo(x,upper),lower);} /// Clamp components of vector to [-limit...limit] corners static inline FXVec3f clamp(const FXVec3f& x,const FXVec3f& limit){return hi(lo(x,limit),-limit);} /// Return vector of absolute value of each element static inline FXVec3f abs(const FXVec3f& a){return FXVec3f(Math::fabs(a.x),Math::fabs(a.y),Math::fabs(a.z));} /// Return maximum component of vector static inline FXfloat max(const FXVec3f& a){ return Math::fmax(Math::fmax(a.x,a.y),a.z); } /// Return minimum component of vector static inline FXfloat min(const FXVec3f& a){ return Math::fmin(Math::fmin(a.x,a.y),a.z); } /// Linearly interpolate static inline FXVec3f lerp(const FXVec3f& u,const FXVec3f& v,FXfloat f){return (v-u)*f+u;} /// Convert vector to color extern FXAPI FXColor colorFromVec3f(const FXVec3f& vec); /// Convert color to vector extern FXAPI FXVec3f colorToVec3f(FXColor clr); /// Compute normal from three points a,b,c extern FXAPI FXVec3f normal(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b,const FXVec3f& c); /// Compute approximate normal from four points a,b,c,d extern FXAPI FXVec3f normal(const FXVec3f& a,const FXVec3f& b,const FXVec3f& c,const FXVec3f& d); /// Normalize vector extern FXAPI FXVec3f normalize(const FXVec3f& v); /// Return vector orthogonal to v extern FXAPI FXVec3f orthogonal(const FXVec3f& v); /// Rotate vector vec by unit-length axis about angle specified as (ca,sa) extern FXAPI FXVec3f rotate(const FXVec3f& vec,const FXVec3f& axis,FXfloat ca,FXfloat sa); /// Rotate vector by unit-length axis about angle ang extern FXAPI FXVec3f rotate(const FXVec3f& vector,const FXVec3f& axis,FXfloat ang); /// Compute distance of point pnt from ray from org along direction dir extern FXAPI FXfloat distFromRay(const FXVec3f& org,const FXVec3f& dir,const FXVec3f& pnt); /// Save vector to a stream extern FXAPI FXStream& operator<<(FXStream& store,const FXVec3f& v); /// Load vector from a stream extern FXAPI FXStream& operator>>(FXStream& store,FXVec3f& v); } #endif