/******************************************************************************** * * * S i n g l e - P r e c i s i o n E x t e n t C l a s s * * * ********************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2004,2024 by Jeroen van der Zijp. All Rights Reserved. * ********************************************************************************* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see * ********************************************************************************/ #ifndef FXEXTENTF_H #define FXEXTENTF_H namespace FX { /// Extent class FXAPI FXExtentf { public: FXVec2f lower; FXVec2f upper; public: /// Default constructor; value is not initialized FXExtentf(){} /// Copy constructor FXExtentf(const FXExtentf& ext):lower(ext.lower),upper(ext.upper){} /// Initialize with a single point FXExtentf(const FXVec2f& p):lower(p),upper(p){} /// Initialize from corner points FXExtentf(const FXVec2f& lo,const FXVec2f& hi):lower(lo),upper(hi){} /// Initialize with a single point FXExtentf(FXfloat x,FXfloat y):lower(x,y),upper(x,y){} /// Initialize with explicit values FXExtentf(FXfloat xl,FXfloat xh,FXfloat yl,FXfloat yh):lower(xl,yl),upper(xh,yh){} /// Assignment FXExtentf& operator=(const FXExtentf& ext){ lower=ext.lower; upper=ext.upper; return *this; } /// Set value from another range FXExtentf& set(const FXExtentf& ext){ lower=ext.lower; upper=ext.upper; return *this; } /// Set value from single point FXExtentf& set(const FXVec2f& p){ lower=upper=p; return *this; } /// Set value from corner points FXExtentf& set(const FXVec2f& lo,const FXVec2f& hi){ lower=lo; upper=hi; return *this; } /// Set value from single point FXExtentf& set(FXfloat x,FXfloat y){ lower.x=upper.x=x; lower.y=upper.y=y; return *this; } /// Set value from explicit values FXExtentf& set(FXfloat xl,FXfloat xh,FXfloat yl,FXfloat yh){ lower.set(xl,yl); upper.set(xh,yh); return *this; } /// Indexing with 0..1 FXVec2f& operator[](FXint i){ return (&lower)[i]; } /// Indexing with 0..1 const FXVec2f& operator[](FXint i) const { return (&lower)[i]; } /// Comparison FXbool operator==(const FXExtentf& ext) const { return lower==ext.lower && upper==ext.upper;} FXbool operator!=(const FXExtentf& ext) const { return lower!=ext.lower || upper!=ext.upper;} /// Width of box FXfloat width() const { return upper.x-lower.x; } /// Height of box FXfloat height() const { return upper.y-lower.y; } /// Area FXfloat area() const { return width()*height(); } /// Longest side FXfloat longest() const; /// Shortest side FXfloat shortest() const; /// Length of diagonal FXfloat diameter() const; /// Get radius of box FXfloat radius() const; /// Compute diagonal FXVec2f diagonal() const; /// Get center of box FXVec2f center() const; /// Test if empty FXbool empty() const; /// Test if box contains point x,y FXbool contains(FXfloat x,FXfloat y) const; /// Test if box contains point p FXbool contains(const FXVec2f& p) const; /// Test if box properly contains another box FXbool contains(const FXExtentf& ext) const; /// Include point FXExtentf& include(FXfloat x,FXfloat y); /// Include point FXExtentf& include(const FXVec2f& v); /// Include given range into extent FXExtentf& include(const FXExtentf& ext); /// Intersect box with ray u-v FXbool intersect(const FXVec2f& u,const FXVec2f& v) const; /// Intersect box with ray pos+lambda*dir, returning true if hit FXbool intersect(const FXVec2f& pos,const FXVec2f& dir,FXfloat hit[]) const; /// Get corner number 0..3 FXVec2f corner(FXint c) const { return FXVec2f((&lower)[c&1].x, (&lower)[(c>>1)&1].y); } /// Destructor ~FXExtentf(){} }; /// Test if bounds overlap extern FXAPI FXbool overlap(const FXExtentf& a,const FXExtentf& b); /// Union of two boxes extern FXAPI FXExtentf unite(const FXExtentf& a,const FXExtentf& b); /// Intersection of two boxes extern FXAPI FXExtentf intersect(const FXExtentf& a,const FXExtentf& b); /// Save object to a stream extern FXAPI FXStream& operator<<(FXStream& store,const FXExtentf& ext); /// Load object from a stream extern FXAPI FXStream& operator>>(FXStream& store,FXExtentf& ext); } #endif