/******************************************************************************** * * * D a t a T a r g e t * * * ********************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1998,2024 by Jeroen van der Zijp. All Rights Reserved. * ********************************************************************************* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see * ********************************************************************************/ #ifndef FXDATATARGET_H #define FXDATATARGET_H #ifndef FXOBJECT_H #include "FXObject.h" #endif namespace FX { /** * A Data Target allows a widget to be directly connected with a associated variable, * without any additional "glue code". This connection is bi-directional: widgets can * not only only change the associated variable, but also query the associated variable, * and reflect its value in the widget. * * The value of the associated variable is changed by the data target when it receives * a SEL_COMMAND or SEL_CHANGED message from the widget. Conversely, the widget's state * may be updated from the data target's associated variable when the it receives a * SEL_UPDATE query message from the widget. * * Valuator widgets should send an ID_VALUE message to the data target. When a data * target receives the ID_VALUE message, it will obtain the value of the sending valuator * widget by querying it with a ID_GETINTVALUE, ID_GETLONGVALUE, ID_GETREALVALUE, or * ID_GETSTRINGVALUE message, depending on the type of the associated variable. * * Radio Buttons, Menu Commands, and so on can also be connected to a data target. * In this case, the widget must send an ID_OPTION+i message; the value of the associated * variable will be obtained from the message itself, by simply subtracting ID_OPTION * from the message ID, that is to say, the value will be i (-10000 <= i <= 10000). * * Updating of widgets from the data target is performed when the widget sends the data * target a SEL_UPDATE message. For ID_VALUE update queries, the data target responds * with ID_SETINTVALUE, ID_SETLONGVALUE, ID_SETREALVALUE, or ID_SETSTRINGVALUE depending * on the type of the associated variable. * For ID_OPTION+i update queries, the data target responds with a ID_CHECK or ID_UNCHECK * depending on whether the connected variable's value is equal to i or not. * * A data target may be subclassed to handle additional, user-defined data types; to * this end, the message handlers return 1 if the type is one of DT_VOID...DT_STRING * and 0 otherwise. */ class FXAPI FXDataTarget : public FXObject { FXDECLARE(FXDataTarget) protected: void *data; // Associated data FXObject *target; // Target object FXSelector message; // Message ID FXuint type; // Type of data private: FXDataTarget(const FXDataTarget&); FXDataTarget& operator=(const FXDataTarget&); public: long onCmdValue(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); long onUpdValue(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); long onCmdOption(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); long onUpdOption(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); public: enum { DT_VOID=0, DT_BOOL, DT_CHAR, DT_UCHAR, DT_SHORT, DT_USHORT, DT_INT, DT_UINT, DT_LONG, DT_ULONG, DT_FLOAT, DT_DOUBLE, DT_STRING, DT_LAST }; public: enum { ID_VALUE=1, /// Will cause the FXDataTarget to ask sender for value ID_OPTION=ID_VALUE+10001, /// ID_OPTION+i will set the value to i where -10000<=i<=10000 ID_LAST=ID_OPTION+10000 }; public: /// Associate with nothing FXDataTarget():data(nullptr),target(nullptr),message(0),type(DT_VOID){} /// Associate with nothing FXDataTarget(FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel):data(nullptr),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_VOID){} /// Associate with character variable FXDataTarget(FXbool& value,FXObject* tgt=nullptr,FXSelector sel=0):data(&value),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_BOOL){} /// Associate with character variable FXDataTarget(FXchar& value,FXObject* tgt=nullptr,FXSelector sel=0):data(&value),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_CHAR){} /// Associate with unsigned character variable FXDataTarget(FXuchar& value,FXObject* tgt=nullptr,FXSelector sel=0):data(&value),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_UCHAR){} /// Associate with signed short variable FXDataTarget(FXshort& value,FXObject* tgt=nullptr,FXSelector sel=0):data(&value),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_SHORT){} /// Associate with unsigned short variable FXDataTarget(FXushort& value,FXObject* tgt=nullptr,FXSelector sel=0):data(&value),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_USHORT){} /// Associate with int variable FXDataTarget(FXint& value,FXObject* tgt=nullptr,FXSelector sel=0):data(&value),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_INT){} /// Associate with unsigned int variable FXDataTarget(FXuint& value,FXObject* tgt=nullptr,FXSelector sel=0):data(&value),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_UINT){} /// Associate with long variable FXDataTarget(FXlong& value,FXObject* tgt=nullptr,FXSelector sel=0):data(&value),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_LONG){} /// Associate with unsigned long variable FXDataTarget(FXulong& value,FXObject* tgt=nullptr,FXSelector sel=0):data(&value),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_ULONG){} /// Associate with float variable FXDataTarget(FXfloat& value,FXObject* tgt=nullptr,FXSelector sel=0):data(&value),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_FLOAT){} /// Associate with double variable FXDataTarget(FXdouble& value,FXObject* tgt=nullptr,FXSelector sel=0):data(&value),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_DOUBLE){} /// Associate with string variable FXDataTarget(FXString& value,FXObject* tgt=nullptr,FXSelector sel=0):data(&value),target(tgt),message(sel),type(DT_STRING){} /// Set the message target object for this data target void setTarget(FXObject *t){ target=t; } /// Get the message target object for this data target, if any FXObject* getTarget() const { return target; } /// Set the message identifier for this data target void setSelector(FXSelector sel){ message=sel; } /// Get the message identifier for this data target FXSelector getSelector() const { return message; } /// Return type of data its connected to FXuint getType() const { return type; } /// Return pointer to data its connected to void* getData() const { return data; } /// Associate with nothing void connect(){ data=nullptr; type=DT_VOID; } /// Associate with FXbool variable void connect(FXbool& value){ data=&value; type=DT_BOOL; } /// Associate with character variable void connect(FXchar& value){ data=&value; type=DT_CHAR; } /// Associate with unsigned character variable void connect(FXuchar& value){ data=&value; type=DT_UCHAR; } /// Associate with signed short variable void connect(FXshort& value){ data=&value; type=DT_SHORT; } /// Associate with unsigned short variable void connect(FXushort& value){ data=&value; type=DT_USHORT; } /// Associate with int variable void connect(FXint& value){ data=&value; type=DT_INT; } /// Associate with unsigned int variable void connect(FXuint& value){ data=&value; type=DT_UINT; } /// Associate with long variable void connect(FXlong& value){ data=&value; type=DT_LONG; } /// Associate with unsigned long variable void connect(FXulong& value){ data=&value; type=DT_ULONG; } /// Associate with float variable void connect(FXfloat& value){ data=&value; type=DT_FLOAT; } /// Associate with double variable void connect(FXdouble& value){ data=&value; type=DT_DOUBLE; } /// Associate with string variable void connect(FXString& value){ data=&value; type=DT_STRING; } /// Associate with nothing; also set target and message void connect(FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=nullptr; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_VOID; } /// Associate with character variable; also set target and message void connect(FXbool& value,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=&value; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_BOOL; } /// Associate with character variable; also set target and message void connect(FXchar& value,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=&value; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_CHAR; } /// Associate with unsigned character variable; also set target and message void connect(FXuchar& value,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=&value; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_UCHAR; } /// Associate with signed short variable; also set target and message void connect(FXshort& value,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=&value; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_SHORT; } /// Associate with unsigned short variable; also set target and message void connect(FXushort& value,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=&value; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_USHORT; } /// Associate with int variable; also set target and message void connect(FXint& value,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=&value; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_INT; } /// Associate with unsigned int variable; also set target and message void connect(FXuint& value,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=&value; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_UINT; } /// Associate with long variable; also set target and message void connect(FXlong& value,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=&value; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_LONG; } /// Associate with unsigned long variable; also set target and message void connect(FXulong& value,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=&value; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_ULONG; } /// Associate with float variable; also set target and message void connect(FXfloat& value,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=&value; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_FLOAT; } /// Associate with double variable; also set target and message void connect(FXdouble& value,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=&value; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_DOUBLE; } /// Associate with string variable; also set target and message void connect(FXString& value,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel){ data=&value; target=tgt; message=sel; type=DT_STRING; } /// Destroy virtual ~FXDataTarget(); }; } #endif