/******************************************************************************** * * * F o u r - W a y S p l i t t e r * * * ********************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1999,2024 by Jeroen van der Zijp. All Rights Reserved. * ********************************************************************************* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see * ********************************************************************************/ #ifndef FX4SPLITTER_H #define FX4SPLITTER_H #ifndef FXCOMPOSITE_H #include "FXComposite.h" #endif namespace FX { // Splitter options enum { FOURSPLITTER_TRACKING = 0x00008000, // Track continuously during split FOURSPLITTER_VERTICAL = 0x00010000, // Prefer vertial expansion of panels FOURSPLITTER_HORIZONTAL = 0, // Prefer horizontal expansion of panels (default) FOURSPLITTER_NORMAL = 0 }; /** * The four-way splitter is a layout manager which manages * four children like four panes in a window. * You can use a four-way splitter for example in a CAD program * where you may want to maintain three orthographic views, and * one oblique view of a model. * The four-way splitter allows interactive repartitioning of the * panes by means of moving the central splitter bars. * When the four-way splitter is itself resized, each child is * proportionally resized, maintaining the same split-percentage. * The four-way splitter widget sends a SEL_CHANGED to its target * during the resizing of the panes; at the end of the resize interaction, * it sends a SEL_COMMAND to signify that the resize operation is complete. * It is possible to expand or collapse one or more of the sub-panes of the * four-way splitter; by default, all four panes are expanded. * When a pane is collapsed, the remaining panes will fill the space left. * If the FOURSPLITTER_HORIZONTAL flag is in effect (default), the remaining * panels expand horizontally to fill the space; conversely, if FOURSPLITTER_VERTICAL * is passed then the remaining panels will expand vertically to accomodate the extra * space. * The flag FOURSPLITTER_TRACKING causes the contents to be redrawn interactively as * the split-division is adjusted; otherwise the contents will be redrawn only after * the resizing is finished. */ class FXAPI FX4Splitter : public FXComposite { FXDECLARE(FX4Splitter) private: FXint splitx; // Current x split FXint splity; // Current y split FXint barsize; // Size of the splitter bar FXint fhor; // Horizontal split fraction FXint fver; // Vertical split fraction FXint offx; FXint offy; FXuchar mode; protected: FX4Splitter(); FXuchar getMode(FXint x,FXint y); void moveSplit(FXint x,FXint y); void drawSplit(FXint x,FXint y,FXuint m); void adjustLayout(); private: FX4Splitter(const FX4Splitter&); FX4Splitter &operator=(const FX4Splitter&); public: long onLeftBtnPress(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); long onLeftBtnRelease(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); long onMotion(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); long onFocusUp(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); long onFocusDown(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); long onFocusLeft(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); long onFocusRight(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); long onCmdExpand(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); long onUpdExpand(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*); public: enum { ExpandNone = 0, /// None expanded ExpandTopLeft = 1, /// Expand top left child ExpandTopRight = 2, /// Expand top right child ExpandBottomLeft = 4, /// Expand bottom left child ExpandBottomRight = 8, /// Expand bottom right child ExpandTop = ExpandTopLeft|ExpandTopRight, /// Expand top children ExpandBottom = ExpandBottomLeft|ExpandBottomRight, /// Expand bottom children ExpandLeft = ExpandTopLeft|ExpandBottomLeft, /// Expand left children ExpandRight = ExpandTopRight|ExpandBottomRight, /// Expand right children ExpandCriss = ExpandTopRight|ExpandBottomLeft, /// Expand diagonally opposing children ExpandCross = ExpandTopLeft|ExpandBottomRight, /// Expand diagonally opposing children ExpandAll = ExpandLeft|ExpandRight /// Expand all children }; public: enum { ID_EXPAND_NONE=FXComposite::ID_LAST+ExpandNone, ID_EXPAND_TOP=ID_EXPAND_NONE+ExpandTop, ID_EXPAND_BOTTOM=ID_EXPAND_NONE+ExpandBottom, ID_EXPAND_LEFT=ID_EXPAND_NONE+ExpandLeft, ID_EXPAND_RIGHT=ID_EXPAND_NONE+ExpandRight, ID_EXPAND_TOPLEFT=ID_EXPAND_NONE+ExpandTopLeft, ID_EXPAND_TOPRIGHT=ID_EXPAND_NONE+ExpandTopRight, ID_EXPAND_BOTTOMLEFT=ID_EXPAND_NONE+ExpandBottomLeft, ID_EXPAND_BOTTOMRIGHT=ID_EXPAND_NONE+ExpandBottomRight, ID_EXPAND_ALL=ID_EXPAND_NONE+ExpandAll, ID_LAST }; public: /// Create 4-way splitter, initially shown as four unexpanded panes FX4Splitter(FXComposite* p,FXuint opts=FOURSPLITTER_NORMAL,FXint x=0,FXint y=0,FXint w=0,FXint h=0); /// Create 4-way splitter, initially shown as four unexpanded panes; notifies target about size changes FX4Splitter(FXComposite* p,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel,FXuint opts=FOURSPLITTER_NORMAL,FXint x=0,FXint y=0,FXint w=0,FXint h=0); /// Get top left child, if any FXWindow *getTopLeft() const; /// Get top right child, if any FXWindow *getTopRight() const; /// Get bottom left child, if any FXWindow *getBottomLeft() const; /// Get bottom right child, if any FXWindow *getBottomRight() const; /// Get horizontal split fraction FXint getHSplit() const { return fhor; } /// Get vertical split fraction FXint getVSplit() const { return fver; } /// Change horizontal split fraction void setHSplit(FXint s); /// Change vertical split fraction void setVSplit(FXint s); /// Perform layout virtual void layout(); /// Get default width virtual FXint getDefaultWidth(); /// Get default height virtual FXint getDefaultHeight(); /// Return current splitter style FXuint getSplitterStyle() const; /// Change splitter style void setSplitterStyle(FXuint style); /// Change splitter bar width void setBarSize(FXint bs); /// Get splitter bar width FXint getBarSize() const { return barsize; } /// Change set of expanded children void setExpanded(FXuint set=FX4Splitter::ExpandAll); /// Get set of expanded children FXuint getExpanded() const; /// Save to stream virtual void save(FXStream& store) const; /// Load from stream virtual void load(FXStream& store); }; } #endif