# perl5-glibc64-240311/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. It's usually not difficult to rebuild a "perl5-..." package. How- ever, updating from one upstream release of Perl to another may be rather difficult. The latter step is recommended primarily for ex- perts. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Perl is a critical distro component (like "glibc" or certain ver- sions of "gcc"). Therefore, for safety's sake, the package structure used for Perl is somewhat complicated. Most importantly, this distro proceeds as though there's a package named "perl5". For example, PATH usually includes the directory: $PRODTREE/perl5/bin "Real" Perl packages have names similar to "perl5-190730". The trail- ing six digits are a unique numeric identifier. Presently, the six- digit identifiers correspond to "build" dates, but this is a conven- tion and not a requirement. There may be several "real" Perl packages installed under the distro at any one time. However, as a general rule, they're not accessed directly. Perl is normally used through the "perl5" link mentioned above. Therefore, only one copy of Perl is used at a time (i.e., the linked copy). This approach makes it easier for a sysadmin to switch the entire dis- tro from one version of Perl to another. Additionally, this approach makes rebuilds and updates safer, because changes can be reversed (see the next section). #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. When it's necessary to rebuild or update Perl, try the following procedure: a. Don't change the "real" Perl "devel" and/or "installed" trees initially. b. Clone one "real" Perl "devel" tree to create a new package. To do this, proceed roughly as follows: cd /src # Go to distro's main "src" tree cd *_perl # Go to directory that contains Perl # core package(s) # Create a new package cp -a perl5-150523 perl5-240310 ^^^^^^ Choose a new and unique six-dig- it identifier (ideally, based on the current date) and make a note of the number used Optional: Or include "glibc32" or "glibc64" in the name as follows to indicate architecture: cp -a perl5-150523 perl5-glibc64-240310 In this case, make the same name change in the steps below. c. The "perl5-######" package's build resource tree includes two configuration files named "default.sh.in" and "Policy.sh.in". If you're switching between major Perl releases (for example, between Perl 5.8.8 and 5.10.0), the existing versions of the files may not work correctly. It's best to regenerate them as follows: * Unpack the Perl source tarball and enter the top-level dir- rectory * Execute: PREFIX=$PRODTREE/perl5-glibc64-240310 mkdir -p $PREFIX/bin rlwrap bash ./Configure \ -Dprefix=$PREFIX -Dvendorprefix=$PREFIX -d Above and below, use the six-digit identifier selected pre- viously instead of "240310". The preceding may prompt you to press "return" at one poi- nt. If so, do so. * Copy "config.sh" to "default.sh.in" in the package resource "special" directory * Go to the "special" directory in question. Execute the Perl script "fix-perl-default". This will patch "default.sh.in". d. Execute a command similar to "makelac perl5-glibc64-240310" (but modify the six-digit identifier used to match the six- digit value selected in step (b)). e. Prepend the new package's "bin" directory to PATH and test "perl". Note: External (i.e., non-core) CPAN packages won't be available at this point. If you try to use packages of this type, errors will occur. f. Update the "perl5" link mentioned previously. For example (modify the six-digit identifier used here appropriately): cd $PRODTREE && ln -nsf perl5-glibc64-240310 perl5 g. If problems occur, change the "perl5" link back to its origi- nal value. h. Rebuild all of the distro packages designated as "cpancore" packages and/or as "perl:strict" packages. i. Optional: If everything works correctly, make back-up copies of the old "perl5-######" "devel" tree (the tree you copied *from* in step (b)) and the associated "install" tree, then delete these two trees. j. makelac texinfo --force makelac automake --force k. If you're sure that the new copy of "perl5" is working cor- rectly, edit the distro's "remaster-distro" script and re- place all occurrences of the old package name (for example, "perl5-150523") with the new package name (for example, "perl5-240310"). l. Additionally, make the same change to the "cfg" files stored in the "perl" package resource tree. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. This package installs a symbolic link named "perl" in the distro's main "bin" directory. Important: The "perl" link points to a "perl" executable, but it doesn't necessarily point to the "perl" executable that's associated with this particular "perl5-..." package. Details: As explained previously, this distro behaves as though there's a package named "perl5", but the "perl5" installed tree is actually a symbolic link to a "real" installed tree. This approach allows the system administrator to switch the distro to different versions of "perl5" with minimum effort. The "perl" executable link mentioned above is a generic executable of sorts. It points to "something/perl5/bin/perl", where "something/ perl5" is the installed tree that's selected by the current "perl5" package link. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 00.08 hours (or 004.92 minutes) - Dell Inspiron 6400 2.0 GHz Intel Duo 7200 2GB RAM 00.09 hours (or 005.28 minutes) - ThinkPad E540 i7 4x2 16GB RAM 00.14 hours (or 008.18 minutes) - ThinkPad X1 Carbon 6G i7 4x2 16GB RAM 00.30 hours (or 017.77 minutes) - Compaq 1.7 GHz Intel Pentium 4 512MB #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] configure = none defer = glibc64 license = Artistic License (see "license.txt" in installed tree) nosyslinks = yes setpaths = gcc tmpsize = 202M #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] bison3 coreutils db gdbm less nettools sed #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [build] DATADIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/data LIBDIR=$PKGDIR_PROD/lib mkdir -p $DATADIR $LIBDIR sed -e "s@__META_SYSBIN__@$LACSYSTREE/bin@g" \ < $PKGDIR_SPECIAL/MyConfig.pm.in \ > $DATADIR/MyConfig.pm.in export LACFORCEPIC=yes OLDPATH=$PATH mkdir -p $PKGDIR_PROD/{bin,doc,man} for PASS in 1 2 do PATH=$OLDPATH unset PERL5LIB pushd .. if [ $PASS == 1 ]; then echo Pass 1: Building regular perl with static libperl.a tar jcf /tmp/perlsrc.tbz perl-5.* else echo Pass 2: Building dynamic libperl.so rm -fr perl-5.* tar jxf /tmp/perlsrc.tbz fi popd for x in default Policy do sed -e "s#__META_PREFIX__#$PKGDIR_PROD#g" \ -e "s#__META_PRODTREE__#$PRODTREE#g" \ -e "s#__META_SYSTREE__#/$LACARCH#g" \ -e "s#__META_GLIBCDIR__#$LACSYSLIBPREFIX/lib#g" \ < $PKGDIR_SPECIAL/$x.sh.in \ > $x.sh done if [ $PASS == 2 ]; then sed -e "s@^libperl=.*@libperl='libperl.so'@" \ -e "s@^useshrplib=.*@useshrplib='true'@" \ -i default.sh fi sh ./Configure \ -Dprefix=$PKGDIR_PROD \ -Dvendorprefix=$PKGDIR_PROD \ -de -f default.sh smpmake if [ $PASS == 1 ]; then export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH export PERL5LIB=`pwd`/lib make install # Important: Link doesn't necessarily # point to this copy of Perl - see # notes at top of file ln -nsf $PRODTREE/perl5/bin/perl $SYS_BINDIR/perl cp -p Artistic $PKGDIR_PROD/doc/license.txt else LIBPERL=`find $PKGDIR_PROD/ -type f -name libperl.a` if [ x"$LIBPERL" == x ]; then echo Internal error: libperl.a not built exit 1 fi LIBPERL=`echo $LIBPERL | sed 's/\.a$/.so/'` echo Installing $LIBPERL cp -p libperl.so $LIBPERL ln -nsf $LIBPERL $LIBDIR/ rm /tmp/perlsrc.tbz fi done #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = Not checked yet url_home = http://www.perl.org/ url_lfs = http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/\ chapter05/perl.html url_tarball = http://www.cpan.org/src/5.0/perl-5.34.3.tar.xz #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [history] 170504 Update from 5.22.1 to 5.26.0 171022 Update to 5.26.1 171103 Modified to build both libperl.a and libperl.so 171206 Rebuild as perl5-171206 180312 Rebuild as perl5-180312 180414 Update to 5.26.2 181112 Update to 5.28.0 181204 Update to 5.28.1 190703 Update to 5.30.0 210205 Update to 5.30.3 210530 Update to 5.32.1 240310 Update to 5.34.3