# mpgtx/cfg - "Build" settings for package # Revision: 100326 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] # 1. "mpgtx" can split and/or join MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and/or MP3 files. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2. Some examples: # Split "foo.mpg" into 5 playable files [using output-file names that # start with "bar"]: # mpgtx -5 trailer.mpg -b bar # Copy "foo.mpg" to "bar.mpg", but omit the first 5 minutes: # mpgtx -s foo.mpg "[5:00-]" -b bar # Join "file1.mpg" and "file2.mpg", then append approx. 30MB of data # from "file3.mpg", followed by 30 minutes from the same file starting # at 1 hour 10 minutes, and save the final result to "output.mpg": # mpgtx -j file1.mpg file2.mpg file3.mpg \ # "[-30M]" "[1:10:00-1:40:00]" -o output.mpg # Split "foo.mpg" into 700MB pieces: # mpgtx -s foo.mpg "{700}" # Display basic information about "foo.mpg": mpgtx -i foo.mpg # Display more information about "foo.mpg": mpginfo foo.mpg # Demux a file (i.e., break it into separate stream files): # mpgdemux foo -b bar #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # 3. Some known limitations: # a. The smallest multimedia unit that "mpgtx" operates on is a # GOP (or Group of Pictures). A GOP typically contains 15 pic- # tures that run for a duration of 0.5 second. "mpgtx" edits # are limited to an accuracy of the same interval (0.5 sec- # ond). # b. MPEG output files created by "mpgtx" may display video arti- # facts at "splice" points". The author states that this is a # player issue, and not an "mpgtx" issue. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] 00.00 hours (or 000.07 minutes) - Dell Inspiron 6400 2.0 GHz Intel Duo 7200 2GB RAM 00.00 hours (or 000.10 minutes) - ThinkPad E540 i7 4x2 16GB RAM 00.00 hours (or 000.27 minutes) - Compaq 1.7 GHz Intel Pentium 4 512MB RAM #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] build = default depends = none exepack = yes license = GNU General Public License, version 2 (June 1991) patches = required tmpsize = 1M #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [configure] patch -p1 < debian/patches/15_g++4_fixes.dpatch patch -p1 < debian/patches/20_write_header_fix.dpatch \ bash ./configure --prefix=$PKGDIR_PROD #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [postbuild] rm -fr $PKGDIR_PROD/man/de #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian = http://packages.debian.org/unstable/source/mpgtx url_home = http://mpgtx.sourceforge.net/ url_lfs = n/a url_tarball = http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mpgtx/\ mpgtx-1.3.1.tar.gz