# dockapps/cfg - "Build" settings for package #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [technotes] 1. The source tarball used by this package was created based on "git" upstream sources. The sources were obtained as follows: ocgitfetch --run https://repo.or.cz/dockapps.git #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. This package (dockapps) doesn't install anything by itself. In- stead, it provides a source tarball used by other packages. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. The "dockapps" source tarball contains source trees for a collec- tion of libraries and/or programs. For the associated licenses, see the source trees. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [buildtimes] #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [settings] build = none configure = none license = See "technotes" in "cfg" file proddir = none unpack = none #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [depends] none #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Original URLs. These URLs were valid at one point, but may have died # since then. If you download newer versions of tarballs [etc.], don't # delete the original versions, as you may not be able to replace # them. [urls] url_debian_page = tbd url_home = tbd url_lfs = tbd url_tarball = git # See "technotes" in "cfg" file #--------------------------------------------------------------------- [history] 210329 Added package. Started with 564adb96f ("git" hash).